Read our blogs below and feel free to contribute a blog of your own
analyzing exams
Analyzing Examinations
climate change
An appreciation of mozart
an example of sports analysis
whither science?
Science these days . . .
What’s a million years between friends?
A Subtlety of Earth’s Gravity and its Rotation
Insectageddon: a global crisis of insect extinction and population decline
Laboratory Fraud is a growing “elephant in the room” for science In New Zealand
Recent blogs on Astronomy for students
A quick look at prime numbers
Explaining the Colours of the Spectrum to your Child
The real price of food
a quick look at the cenozoic world
The Cenozoic World
a quick look at the jurassic world
Read here about the Jurassic Period of Earth’s history.
A quick look at the Cretaceous world
It all begins with an idea.
Why was the HMS Endeavour ever here?
It’s rather sad that in all of the misinformation and fake news in New Zealand around the arrival of James Cook to “discover and colonise” New Zealand, there has been a rather stunning silence about the achievements of the expedition from the Scientific community.